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Beach Wheelchairs Vs Normal Wheelchairs

Beach Wheelchairs Vs Normal Wheelchairs

Learn more about the benefits to be had from a beach wheelchair compared to a normal wheelchair, and start looking forward to a beach-accessible summer!

Who knows exactly what will happen this year or to what extent we can hope to get away this summer, but at the very least we should be hoping for a visit to a UK beach for a nice, albeit perhaps socially distanced, staycation.

And this raises a question for those who are physically disabled or are the carers of disabled people – What are the differences between beach wheelchairs and regular wheelchairs and are these differences worth the investment this summer?

Below are some areas of comparison between our range of beach wheelchairs and more standard wheelchairs. To read about some more frequently asked questions regarding these products, CLICK HERE.

Children in Sandcruiser and Sandpiper wheelchairs

The perfect wheels for off-roading

Normal wheelchairs come with very thin tyres mounted on a lightweight metal wheel. This makes sense since it means minimal resistance when pushing it, either by the occupant or someone else. However, this is not ideal for use on a beach… or any off-road area, for that matter. On sand especially, the wheels sink straight in and it becomes almost impossible to move.

Our beach wheels are air filled at low pressure, meaning that they have the flexibility to absorb major lumps and bumps on uneven ground whilst also being lightweight and easy to push. The super wide tread allows these wheels to easily roll over sand, gravel and mud. Even in water, where the ground is far softer, these beach wheels won’t sink in. The strong grey polyurethane that the wheels are made from makes them highly puncture resistant.

Upholstery made to last

Most standard wheelchairs will come with leather upholstery. This is convenient, but is less ideal when wanting to use it in the Sun all day.

Our Sandcruiser and Sandpiper beach wheelchairs are made from a versatile acrylic which is extremely strong, wear resistant and breathable against the skin. The chairs are also UV-resistant, so they won’t fade if - fingers crossed - we get some strong sun this summer! These chairs have been developed in California and Australia, so if they can withstand the effects of the sun there, they can manage it anywhere! As well as this, the vertical grooves that span the material allow water to run off, and sand can be brushed away easily.

Water-suitable and rust free

Beach wheelchairs are unique in their ability to enable users to access the sea. We do not recommend going deeper than the middle of the wheels, however, as you may find the chair starts to float!

The chair frames are made from marine-grade stainless steel, meaning that they will not rust, and the acrylic upholstery is resistant to salt water and is quick-drying.


The Sandcruiser and Sandpiper beach wheelchairs can be easily disassembled and reassembled for transporting, meaning that their large size doesn’t require you to drive a van if you want to get one to the beach. To save even more time and space, our wheelchair conversion kits provide the option of transforming your regular wheelchair into one that is beach-suitable, with all the same benefits that can be found with the beach wheelchairs.

We offer a range of accessories, so your balloon wheels can be made to suit any need. Our Universal bracket allows the wheels to be attached to almost anything! To see our full range for yourself, CLICK HERE.