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Our Donations Helping Darby - Whizz Kidz Children's Charity

Our Donations Helping Darby - Whizz Kidz Children's Charity

We are proud to support charities that help disabled people around the country, including Whizz Kidz, who have supported one child by providing him with the kit he needs to enjoy life.

Ross Handling has grown substantially over recent years, and we have gone from being a simple distributor of material handling equipment such as castors, to selling an incredible variety of products including replacement wheelbarrow wheels, tyres for ATVs, and WheelEez products.

This last group of products includes beach wheelchairs, off-road rollators for the elderly, wheelchair conversion kits and more - all equipped with the high-quality and well respected WheelEez balloon wheels.

As a family-run business, one of the most rewarding aspects of selling these products is the close relationship we have with charities that utilise these products, such as Whizz-Kidz children’s charity. This charity, along with others, receive regular donations from us and it brings us joy to hear about how those donations are used to help real people.

One such person is Darby.

Darby and his sister Evie were born at 32 weeks, which isn’t particularly unusual for twins. When their parents took them home, they had no reasons to be concerned. However, their parents soon noticed that Darby was missing key milestones, like being able to sit up and crawl. After visiting many specialists, the family was told the twins had Cerebral Palsy. For Darby, this means that he is unable to walk unaided, so he relies on a walker or a wheelchair to get around.

Darby would get frustrated seeing his sister moving around and not being able to do things. Darby’s mum applied for a Whizz-Kidz trike. These trikes cost around £1,000 and charities like Whizz-Kidz wouldn’t be able to provide these items for free to families like Darby’s without support.

Now that Whizz-Kidz has been able to provide Darby with a trike, his family say the transformation is so much more than they could have ever imagined, giving him independence and freedom. So much so his family now struggle to keep up!

  Daby and his family


“Darby’s trike has increased his self-esteem, and it’s great for me to see him making friends. As soon as he was in the trike, he was off! It was the first time that he had been able to be that independent. We couldn’t believe how easy it was for him to use. We just have to keep reminding him to keep his head up to look out for people!”

To find out more about Whizz-Kidz and the fantastic work they do, CLICK HERE.

Our full range of WheelEez products can be found HERE. If you have any questions regarding any of these products, please contact our Sales team who will be able to provide you with expert knowledge and advice.